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3. Ñānananda, Bhikkhu 2008. Saṁyutta Nikāya, An Anthology, Part II. Kandy (Sri Lanka): BPS Online Edition. The Wheel Publication No. 183-185.
4. http://www.bps.lk/olib/wh/wh183-u.html
5. Walshe, Maurice O’C. 2010. Saṁyutta Nikāya, An Anthology, Part III. Kandy (Sri Lanka): BPS Online Edition. The Wheel Publication No. 318-321. http://www.bps.lk/olib/wh/wh318-u.html
6. Nyanaponika Thera, Thanissaro Bhikkhu, Ñānamoli Bhikkhu, Piyadassi Thera, Andrew Olendzki és Maurice Walshe fordításai: www.accesstoinsight.org
7. Gregory Kramer 2011. Dharma Contemplation, Meditating Together with Wisdom Texts. Orcas (USA): The Metta Foundation.
8. Ñānamoli, Bhikkhu – Bodhi, Bhikkhu (ford.) 2001. The Middle Length Discourses of theBuddha. Boston (USA): Wisdom Publications.
9. Bodhi, Bhikkhu (ford.) 2000. The Connected Discourses of the Buddha. Boston (USA): Wisdom Publications.
10. Bodhi, Bhikkhu (ford.) 2012. The Numerical Discourses of the Buddha. Boston (USA): Wisdom Publications.
11. Ráhula, Valpola 2014. A Buddha tanítása. Budapest: A Tan Kapuja Buddhista Egyház.
12. Nārada Mahāthera (ford.) Bodhi, Bhikkhu (ed.) 2010. A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma. The Abhidhammattha Saṅgaha of Ācariya Anuruddha. Kandi (Sri Lanka): Buddhist Publication Society Pariyatti Editions.